2017-11-23   Media monitoring and analysis services for the Czech Republic (European Parliament Information Office in the Czech Republic)
The European Parliament launches this procedure aiming to award a 1-year framework contract for daily monitoring of written press (national/regional), audiovisual media (radio, TV) and the main online (Internet) media. This contract may be renewed up to a maximum of 4 years. The purpose is to provide a timely, up-to-date compendium of daily information, in the form of press reviews, about the way in which topics of relevance to the European Parliament and the European Union are reported in the media. The … Zobrazit zadávací řízení »
Zmínění dodavatelé: Newton media AS
2013-11-07   Daily media monitoring services (European Parliament Information Office in the Czech Republic)
The European Parliament launches this procedure aiming to award a 1-year framework contract for daily monitoring of written press (national/regional), the main audiovisual media (TV, radio) and the main online (Internet) media. Zobrazit zadávací řízení »
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