The purpose of this public contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for Compass-U Tokamak which is composed of individual devices which shall fully comply with the requirements and specification stipulated in the tender documentation, including, but not limited to, the identification of the goods, quantity and technical parameters stipulated in the technical specification.
Lhůta pro podání nabídek byla 2021-01-11.
Veřejná zakázka byla zveřejněna na 2020-11-27.
V rozhodnutích o udělení zakázky nebo v jiné zadávací dokumentaci jsou uvedeni tito dodavatelé:
Objekt Rozsah veřejné zakázky
“System for Plasma Heating with Neutral Particle Beam for Compass-U Tokamak - Round 2”
Produkty/služby: Laboratorní, optické a přesné přístroje a zařízení (mimo skel)📦
Krátký popis:
“The purpose of this public contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for Compass-U Tokamak which is composed of individual...”
Krátký popis
The purpose of this public contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for Compass-U Tokamak which is composed of individual devices which shall fully comply with the requirements and specification stipulated in the tender documentation, including, but not limited to, the identification of the goods, quantity and technical parameters stipulated in the technical specification.
Zobrazit více
Odhadovaná hodnota bez DPH: CZK 249 614 400 💰
The place of performance shall be defined as the Czech Republic (place of delivery: U Slovanky 1770/3, Prague 8) and the address for any communication Za Slovankou 3, 182 00 Prague 8.
Zobrazit více
Popis veřejné zakázky:
“The purpose of this public contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASS-U Tokamak which is composed of individual...”
Popis veřejné zakázky
The purpose of this public contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASS-U Tokamak which is composed of individual devices which shall fully comply with the requirements and specification stipulated in the tender documentation, including, but not limited to, the identification of the goods, quantity and technical parameters stipulated in the technical specification. Details concerning performance are provided in technical specification, which is attached as Annex No 1 of the tender documentation, and in the framework purchase agreement (‘Contract’), which is attached as Annex No 2 of the Tender Documentation.
Zobrazit více Kritéria pro udělení ceny
Rozsah veřejné zakázky
Odhadovaná celková hodnota bez DPH: CZK 249 614 400 💰
Doba trvání smlouvy, rámcové dohody nebo dynamického nákupního systému
Níže uvedený časový rámec je vyjádřen v měsících.
Doba trvání: 48
Rozsah veřejné zakázky
Informace o fondech Evropské unie: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000768 and CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0016011
Další informace:
“The contract will be concluded as a framework agreement with a single supplier pursuant to Sec. 131 et seq. PPA for the period of 4 years. The estimated...”
Další informace
The contract will be concluded as a framework agreement with a single supplier pursuant to Sec. 131 et seq. PPA for the period of 4 years. The estimated value of the public contract is EUR 9 520 000.
Právní, ekonomické, finanční a technické informace Podmínky účasti
Seznam a stručný popis podmínek:
“Supplier shall demonstrate its basic qualification required by Sec. 74 (1) Public Procurement Act.
Supplier shall also demonstrate its professional...”
Seznam a stručný popis podmínek
Supplier shall demonstrate its basic qualification required by Sec. 74 (1) Public Procurement Act.
Supplier shall also demonstrate its professional qualification in relation to the Czech Republic by submitting an extract from the Commercial Register or similar register, if the law requires such registration.
Documentation demonstrating professional qualification of suppliers needn’t be submitted if the laws in the country where such supplier is headquartered do not require similar professional qualification.
For complete information please see Art. 5 of the tender documentation.
Zobrazit více Technická a odborná způsobilost
Seznam a stručný popis výběrových kritérií:
“List of important deliveries
Supplier shall submit a List of important Deliveries (LID) provided in the last 10 years prior to commencement of this...”
Seznam a stručný popis výběrových kritérií
List of important deliveries
Supplier shall submit a List of important Deliveries (LID) provided in the last 10 years prior to commencement of this tendering procedure including the price thereof and period when provided, along with identification of the client and their contact details.
The contracting authority will allow that suppliers list those deliveries that may have not yet been completed, but the Supplier already completed a part of such delivery, which meets the definition of an important delivery provided below.
Zobrazit více Podmínky účasti
Podmínky účasti (technická a odborná způsobilost):
“The contracting authority requires that Supplier provide LID listing at least 1 important delivery. Important delivery shall be understood as:
Podmínky účasti (technická a odborná způsobilost)
The contracting authority requires that Supplier provide LID listing at least 1 important delivery. Important delivery shall be understood as:
— Manufacturing and installing a neutral beam heating system with at least 500 kW of total combined heating power, accelerating energy higher than 30 keV and 0.3 sec duration as a commercial product. The system must be based on positive ions of hydrogen or its isotopes.
Postup Typ postupu
Otevřený postup
Informace o rámcové dohodě nebo dynamickém nákupním systému
Rámcová dohoda s jediným provozovatelem
Administrativní informace
Lhůta pro doručení nabídek nebo žádostí o účast: 2021-01-11
11:00 📅
Jazyky, ve kterých lze podávat nabídky nebo žádosti o účast: čeština 🗣️
Jazyky, ve kterých lze podávat nabídky nebo žádosti o účast: angličtina 🗣️
Podmínky pro zahájení nabídkového řízení: 2021-01-11
11:01 📅
Podmínky pro otevírání nabídek (Informace o oprávněných osobách a postupu otevírání nabídek):
“The opening of the Bids is a non-public due electronic form of bids.
The opening of the Bids will take place in accordance with Section 109 of the PPA.”
Doplňující informace Tělo recenze
Název: Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže
Poštovní adresa: tř. Kpt. Jaroše 7
Poštovní město: Brno
Poštovní směrovací číslo: 604 55
Země: Česko 🇨🇿
Telefon: +420 542167111📞
Fax: +420 542167112 📠
ADRESA URL:🌏 Postup přezkoumání
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení:
“A condition for filing a petition with the Office for the Protection of Competition (OPC) is the filing of objections to the contracting authority, which...”
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení
A condition for filing a petition with the Office for the Protection of Competition (OPC) is the filing of objections to the contracting authority, which must be delivered within 15 days of the complainant's knowledge of the alleged breach of the law by the Contracting Authority, but no later than till the contract conclusion.
Objections to acts announced in documents that the law requires the contracting authority to publish or send to the complainant, have to be delivered to the contracting authority within 15 days of their publication or delivery to the complainant.
Where a deadline for submission of bids is specified in the tender procedure, objections to the tender documentation have to be delivered to the contracting authority no later than by the end of this deadline.
Objections to a voluntary notice of intent to conclude a contract pursuant to Section 212 (2) of the Act on Public Procurement have to be delivered to the contracting authority within 30 days of the publication of the notice.
The contracting authority is obliged to handle the objections within 15 days. The petition has to be delivered to the OPC as well as to the contracting authority within 10 days from the date on which the complainant received the decision rejecting the objection or within 25 days from dispatch of the objections if the contracting authority has not decided on the objections.
Once the contract for a public contract has been concluded, only a petition to impose a ban on the performance of the contract can be filed, even without a prior objection. The petitioner shall deliver the petition to OPC and a copy thereof to the contracting authority within 1 month from the date on which the contracting authority published the notice on contract conclusion pursuant to Section 212 (2) of the Act on Public Procurement including reasons for awarding the public contract without publishing a notice of initiation of the procurement procedure, preliminary notice or invitation to submit bids in simplified under-the-threshold procedure, but no later than 6 months after the conclusion of this contract. The petition to impose a ban on the performance of the contract pursuant to Section 254 (1) d) of the Act on Public Procurement shall be delivered by the petitioner to the OPC as well as to the contracting authority within 1 month from the date when the contracting authority published the notice on contract conclusion based on a framework agreement pursuant to Section 137 of the Act on Public Procurement or the notice on contract conclusion in a Dynamic Purchasing System pursuant to Section 142 of the Act on Public Procurement but no later than 6 months after the conclusion of this contract.
Within the deadline for the delivery of the petition, the petitioner is obliged to deposit to the account of OPC a surety in the amount of 1 % of the petitioner's bid price for the entire period of performance of the public contract or for the first 4 years of performance in the case of open-ended contracts, but at least CZK 50 000 and no more than CZK 10 000 000. If the petitioner cannot determine the total bid price, he is obliged to deposit a surety of CZK 100 000. In case of a proposal to impose a ban on performance of the contract, the petitioner is obliged to deposit a surety of CZK 200 000.
Zobrazit více Služba, u které lze získat informace o přezkumném řízení
Název: Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže
Poštovní adresa: tř. Kpt. Jaroše 7
Poštovní město: Brno
Poštovní směrovací číslo: 604 55
Země: Česko 🇨🇿
Telefon: +420 542167111📞
Fax: +420 542167112 📠
Zdroj: OJS 2020/S 235-579719 (2020-11-27)
Dodatečné informace (2021-01-06) Zadavatel Jméno a adresy
Název: Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, v. v. i.
Poštovní směrovací číslo: 18200
Objekt Rozsah veřejné zakázky
“System for Plasma Heating with Neutral Particle Beam for COMPASS-U Tokamak — Round 2”
Krátký popis:
“The purpose of this Public Contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASS-U Tokamak which is composed of individual...”
Krátký popis
The purpose of this Public Contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASS-U Tokamak which is composed of individual devices which shall fully comply with the requirements and specification stipulated in the tender documentation, including, but not limited to, the identification of the goods, quantity and technical parameters stipulated in the technical specification.
Doplňující informace Odkaz na původní oznámení
Číslo oznámení v Úředním věstníku S: 2020/S 235-579719
Změny Text, který je třeba opravit v původním oznámení
Číslo oddílu: IV.2.2)
Místo upravovaného textu: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Stará hodnota
Datum: 2021-01-11 📅
Čas: 11:00
Nová hodnota
Datum: 2021-02-01 📅
Čas: 11:00
Text, který je třeba opravit v původním oznámení
Číslo oddílu: IV.2.7)
Místo upravovaného textu: Conditions for opening of tenders
Stará hodnota
Datum: 2021-01-11 📅
Čas: 11:01
Nová hodnota
Datum: 2021-02-01 📅
Čas: 11:01
Zdroj: OJS 2021/S 006-009404 (2021-01-06)
Dodatečné informace (2021-01-28) Objekt Rozsah veřejné zakázky
“System for plasma heating with neutral particle beam for COMPASS-U Tokamak — Round 2”
Krátký popis:
“The purpose of this Public Contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASSU Tokamak which is composed of individual devices...”
Krátký popis
The purpose of this Public Contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASSU Tokamak which is composed of individual devices which shall fully comply with the requirements and specification stipulated in the tender documentation, including, but not limited to, the identification of the goods, quantity and technical parameters stipulated in the technical specification.
Změny Text, který je třeba opravit v původním oznámení
Číslo oddílu: IV.2.2)
Místo upravovaného textu: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Stará hodnota
Datum: 2021-02-01 📅
Čas: 11:00
Nová hodnota
Datum: 2021-02-08 📅
Čas: 11:00
Text, který je třeba opravit v původním oznámení
Číslo oddílu: IV.2.7)
Místo upravovaného textu: Conditions for opening of tenders
Stará hodnota
Datum: 2021-02-01 📅
Čas: 11:01
Nová hodnota
Datum: 2021-02-08 📅
Čas: 11:01
Zdroj: OJS 2021/S 022-052655 (2021-01-28)
Oznámení o zadání zakázky (2021-10-21) Zadavatel Jméno a adresy
Kontaktní osoba: HOLEC, ZUSKA & PARTNEŘI advokátní s.r.o.
Objekt Rozsah veřejné zakázky
“System for plasma heating with neutral particle beam for COMPASS-U Tokamak - Round 2”
Krátký popis:
“The purpose of this Public Contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASS-U Tokamak which is composed of individual...”
Krátký popis
The purpose of this Public Contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASS-U Tokamak which is composed of individual devices which shall fully comply with the requirements and specification stipulated in the Tender Documentation, including, but not limited to, the identification of the goods, quantity and technical parameters stipulated in the Technical Specification.
Zobrazit více
Celková hodnota veřejné zakázky (bez DPH): EUR 9 520 000 💰
Popis veřejné zakázky:
“The purpose of this Public Contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASS-U Tokamak which is composed of individual...”
Popis veřejné zakázky
The purpose of this Public Contract is the delivery of the neutral particle beam heating system for COMPASS-U Tokamak which is composed of individual devices which shall fully comply with the requirements and specification stipulated in the Tender Documentation, including, but not limited to, the identification of the goods, quantity and technical parameters stipulated in the Technical Specification. Details concerning performance are provided in Technical Specification, which is attached as Annex No. 1 of the Tender Documentation, and in the Framework purchase agreement (“Contract”), which is attached as Annex No. 2 of the Tender Documentation.
Zobrazit více
Další informace:
“The Contract has been concluded as a framework agreement with a single Supplier pursuant to Sec. 131 et seq. PPA for the period of 4 years. The estimated...”
Další informace
The Contract has been concluded as a framework agreement with a single Supplier pursuant to Sec. 131 et seq. PPA for the period of 4 years. The estimated value of the Public Contract has been EUR 9 520 000.
Postup Informace o rámcové dohodě
Zadávání veřejných zakázek zahrnuje uzavření rámcové dohody
Administrativní informace
Předchozí publikace týkající se tohoto postupu: 2020/S 235-579719
Zadání zakázky
“System for plasma heating with neutral particle beam for COMPASS-U Tokamak - Round 2”
Datum uzavření smlouvy: 2021-10-14 📅
Informace o nabídkách
Počet obdržených nabídek: 1
Počet nabídek obdržených od uchazečů ze zemí mimo EU: 1
Počet nabídek přijatých elektronickými prostředky: 1
Název a adresa dodavatele
“Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences (BINP SB RAS)”
Národní registrační číslo: 1025403658136
Poštovní adresa: 11 Lavrentiev av.
Poštovní město: Novosibirsk
Poštovní směrovací číslo: 630090
Země: Rusko 🇷🇺
Telefon: +7 3833294760📞
Region: ru 🏙️
Dodavatel je malý nebo střední podnik
Informace o hodnotě zakázky/dílu (bez DPH)
Odhadovaná celková hodnota zakázky/dílu: EUR 9 520 000 💰
Celková hodnota zakázky/dílu: EUR 9 520 000 💰
Doplňující informace Postup přezkoumání
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení:
“Prior to filing a petition with the Office for the Protection of Competition (OPC), complainants must file objections with contracting authority (CA); this...”
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení
Prior to filing a petition with the Office for the Protection of Competition (OPC), complainants must file objections with contracting authority (CA); this petition must be delivered within 15 days of the complainant's knowledge of the CA’s alleged breach of the law, but no later than by the contract conclusion date or until the design contest is considered to have been completed after a design is selected.
Objections against acts formulated in documents that the CA is required to publish by law or to send to complainants, have to be delivered to the CA within 15 days of their publication date or delivery date to a complainant.
Where a deadline for submission of requests to participate is defined in a tender procedure, objections against suppliers’ qualification requirements must be delivered to the CA before the expiry of such deadline.
Where a deadline for submission of bids is specified in a tender procedure, objections to tender documentation must be delivered to the CA before this deadline; in case of a negotiated procedure with prior publication, objections against tender documentation shall be delivered to the CA no later than before the deadline for submission of indicative bids.
Objections against a voluntary notice of intent to conclude a contract pursuant to Sec 212 (2) Public Procurement Act (PPA) have to be delivered to the CA within 30 days of the notice publication date.
CAs are obliged to handle objections within 15 days. Petitions must be delivered to OPC and to the CA within 10 days from the date when complainants received the decision rejecting the objection or within 25 days from dispatch of the objections, if the CA passed no decision on the objection.
Once a public contract is concluded, only a petition to impose a ban on the performance of that contract can be filed, even without filing an objection prior. Petitioners must deliver this petition to OPC and copy thereof to the CA within 1 month from the CA publishing the contract conclusion notice pursuant to Sec 212 (2) PPA, including reasons for awarding public contract without publishing a notice of procurement procedure initiation, preliminary notice or invitation to submit bids in simplified under-the-threshold procedure, but no later than within 6 months after contract conclusion date. Petitions to impose a ban on contract performance pursuant to Sec 254 (1) d) PPA shall be delivered by petitioner to OPC and to the CA within 1 month from the date when the CA published notice on contract conclusion based on a framework agreement pursuant to Sec 137 PPA or notice on contract conclusion in a dynamic purchasing system pursuant to Sec 142 PPA, but no later than within 6 months after the contract conclusion date.
Petitioners are obliged to deposit, within the deadline for delivery of a petition, the to the OPC bank account, an amount equal to 1 % of the petitioner's bid price for the entire period of public contract performance or for the first 4 years of performance in case of open-ended contracts, but at least CZK 50 000 and no more than CZK 10 000 000. If petitioners are unable determine the total bid price, they shall be obliged to deposit CZK 100 000. In case of a proposal to impose a ban on contract performance, petitioners are obliged to deposit a surety of CZK 200 000. With regard to proceedings to review a concession awarding procedure, petitioners are obliged to pay, within the deadline for petition delivery, to the OPC bank account a deposit amounting to 1 % of the estimated value of the concession, as published in the Public Tender Bulletin (PTB) or at the CA profile, however not less than CZK 50 000 and not more than CZK 10 000 000. Where the CA failed to publish the estimated value for the concession in PTB or at the CA profile, petitioners shall pay a deposit of CZK 100 000. In case of a petition to impose a ban on a concession contract performance, petitioners shall pay a deposit amounting to CZK 200 000.
Zobrazit více
Zdroj: OJS 2021/S 208-544218 (2021-10-21)
Postup Administrativní informace
Předchozí publikace týkající se tohoto postupu: 2021/S 208-544218
Zadání zakázky
Číslo smlouvy: Z2020-042380
Informace o hodnotě zakázky/dílu (bez DPH)
Celková hodnota zakázky/dílu: EUR 9 520 000 💰
Doplňující informace Postup přezkoumání
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení:
“Prior to filing a petition with the Office for the Protection of Competition (OPC), complainants must file objections with contracting authority (CA); this...”
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení
Prior to filing a petition with the Office for the Protection of Competition (OPC), complainants must file objections with contracting authority (CA); this petition must be delivered within 15 days of the complainant's knowledge of the CA’s alleged breach of the law, but no later than by the contract conclusion date or until the design contest is considered to have been completed after a design is selected.
Zobrazit více
Zdroj: OJS 2022/S 218-623697 (2022-11-07)
Nové veřejné zakázky v souvisejících kategoriích 🆕