Veřejné zakázky v Česko
European GNSS Agency
Veřejné zakázky: European GNSS Agency
7 archivované veřejné zakázky
European GNSS Agency byla v minulosti kupcem
poštovní a telekomunikační služby
telekomunikační služby
telefonní služby a přenos dat
Dodavatelé stránek European GNSS Agency byli v minulosti
ABAS IPS Management s.r.o.
Advanced Logistics Group S.A.U.
Alpha Consultants SRL
Berenschot Groep B.V.
Bilbomatica S.A.
Bold Brick s.r.o.
Consortium of Bilbomática SA (leader), BoldBrick SRO and Mainstream Technologies SRO
Interoute Communications Ltd
London Economics LTD
Mainstream Technologies s.r.o.
Nedávné veřejné zakázky European GNSS Agency
GSA/OP/02/2014 — Provision of medical services to the GSA
European GNSS Agency
Provision of medical services to the GSA — contract divided into 2 lots. Lot 1: provision of services offered by a medical centre — 'Medical centre' and lot 2: provision of services offered by a medical advisor — 'Medical advisor'.
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Zmínění dodavatelé:
Mediconet s.r.o.
Program H Plus
GSA/OP/09/14 — 'General ICT support'
European GNSS Agency
Provision of general ICT (information and communication technology) support for the GSA.
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Zmínění dodavatelé:
Bilbomatica S.A.
Bold Brick s.r.o.
Consortium of Bilbomática SA (leader),...
Mainstream Technologies s.r.o.
GSA/OP/08/14 — Provision of mobile communications services for the GSA
European GNSS Agency
Provision of mobile communications services for the GSA. Lot No 1: in the Czech Republic (Czech mobile phone numbers required) and lot No 2: in France (French mobile phone numbers required).
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GSA/OP/06/14 — Provision of reception and guarding services for the GSA
European GNSS Agency
Guarding and reception services for the GSA.
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Zmínění dodavatelé:
ABAS IPS Management s.r.o.
GSA/NP/04/14 — SIP and videoconferencing
European GNSS Agency
The GSA would like to conclude a contract for the provision of the following services: — Microsoft Lync 2013 SIP to PSTN services, — allowing the bridging of Microsoft Lync 2013 video to 3rd party videoconferencing systems.
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Zmínění dodavatelé:
Interoute Communications Ltd
Provision of technical assistance in the GNSS market technology monitoring, stakeholders' marketing and economic...
European GNSS Agency
The tender is launched in relation to the European satellite navigation policy. A growing number of economic sectors, in particular transport, telecommunications, agriculture and energy, increasingly utilise satellite navigation systems. Therefore it is important to support adequate development of applications and services based on the systems. The contractor will be requested to provide technical assistance and support the GSA in the implementation of the market analysis, market entry strategy of the …
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Zmínění dodavatelé:
Advanced Logistics Group S.A.U.
Alpha Consultants SRL
Berenschot Groep B.V.
London Economics LTD
SpaceTec Capital Partners GMBH
Provision of bank services for the GSA — GSA/NP/13/12
European GNSS Agency
Conclusion of a service contract for the provision of banking services.
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Související vyhledávání
Hlavní město Praha
ABAS IPS Management s.r.o.
Advanced Logistics Group S.A.U.
Alpha Consultants SRL
Berenschot Groep B.V.
Bilbomatica S.A.
Bold Brick s.r.o.
Consortium of Bilbomática SA (leader),...
Interoute Communications Ltd
London Economics LTD
Mainstream Technologies s.r.o.
Poštovní a telekomunikační služby
Telekomunikační služby
Telefonní služby a přenos dat
Obchodní služby: právní, marketingové,...
Mobilní telefonní služby
Telefonní služby prostřednictvím IP
Telekomunikační služby kromě telefonů...
Telekonferenční služby
Finanční a pojišťovací služby
Bankovnictví a investiční služby