Dodavatel: Eutelsat S.A.

2 archivované veřejné zakázky

Nedávné veřejné zakázky, u nichž je uveden dodavatel Eutelsat S.A.

2019-09-03   EGNOS Geostationary Satellite Services for ‘GEO-4’ (European GNSS Agency (GSA))
The subject of the procurement is the provision of a GEO navigation payload service to broadcast EGNOS messages, of 2 independent uplink stations and of the hosting and support for the maintenance of the EGNOS uplink equipment at each station for a duration of 15 years. Zobrazit zadávací řízení »
Zmínění dodavatelé: Eutelsat S.A.
2015-12-08   GSA/NP/29/15 — ‘EGNOS geostationary SBAS payload service — GEO-3’ (European GNSS Agency (GSA))
The scope of the procurement of the ‘EGNOS geostationary SBAS payload service — GEO-3’ comprises the following: — provision of the services of an EGNOS SBAS payload on board a GEO satellite covering at least ECAC FIR, — provision of services of 2 independent RF uplink stations for transmission of the SBAS signals from the NLES to the GEO satellite EGNOS payload, — hosting of the 2 EGNOS NLES collocated with the RF uplink stations and on-site support for maintenance activities. Zobrazit zadávací řízení »
Zmínění dodavatelé: Eutelsat S.A.