Etching and deposition devices for CEITEC
The subject matter of the contract is the supply of complex of etching and deposition devices for CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology) core facility — Nano-fabrication and Nano characterization, supply of complex of etching and deposition devices for CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology) core facility — Nano-fabrication and Nano-characterization.
Public contract is subdivided into 2 lots.
The subject matter of the lot No.1 of the contract is supply of complex of the following devices:
— Vacuum system for deposition of thin films on the silicon based (a-Si,SiO2,Si3N4,SiC);
— Vacuum system for reactive ion etching of silicon, silicon oxide and deposition of carbon layers;
— Vacuum system for deep reactive ion etching of silicon;
— Vacuum system for reactive ion etching of metals, III-V materials (GaN,InP).
The subject matter of the lot No.2 of the contract is supply of following device:
Vacuum system for deposition of materials using PECVD at high temperature.
For more information, please see the tender documentation.
Lhůta pro podání nabídek byla 2014-10-30.
Veřejná zakázka byla zveřejněna na 2014-09-12.
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