The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to the delivery is also transport, installation, operator onsite training by a qualified worker and the provision of guarantee service. For detailed technical specifications please refer to Section 2.2 of the procurement documentation.
Lhůta pro podání nabídek byla 2021-04-30.
Veřejná zakázka byla zveřejněna na 2021-03-19.
V rozhodnutích o udělení zakázky nebo v jiné zadávací dokumentaci jsou uvedeni tito dodavatelé:
Objekt Rozsah veřejné zakázky
Název: IMTM — Cryogenic Storage System
Produkty/služby: Laboratorní, optické a přesné přístroje a zařízení (mimo skel)📦
Krátký popis:
“The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to...”
Krátký popis
The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to the delivery is also transport, installation, operator onsite training by a qualified worker and the provision of guarantee service. For detailed technical specifications please refer to Section 2.2 of the procurement documentation.
Zobrazit více
Odhadovaná hodnota bez DPH: CZK 10 850 000 💰
Další produkty/služby: Chladící a mrazící zařízení📦
Další produkty/služby: Skladovací nádoby📦
Místo plnění: Olomoucký kraj🏙️
Hlavní místo nebo místo plnění:
“Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc, Hněvotínská 1333/5, CZ-779 00 Olomouc,...”
Hlavní místo nebo místo plnění
Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc, Hněvotínská 1333/5, CZ-779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Zobrazit více
Popis veřejné zakázky:
“The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to...”
Popis veřejné zakázky
The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to the delivery is also transport, installation, operator onsite training by a qualified worker and the provision of guarantee service. For detailed technical specifications please refer to Section 2.2 of the procurement documentation.
Zobrazit více Kritéria pro udělení ceny
Rozsah veřejné zakázky
Odhadovaná celková hodnota bez DPH: CZK 10 850 000 💰
Doba trvání smlouvy, rámcové dohody nebo dynamického nákupního systému Popis
Doba trvání: 240
Rozsah veřejné zakázky
Informace o fondech Evropské unie:
“‘Investment Development of Large Research Infrastructure BBMRI-CZ’, reg. No CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015959, within operational programme research,...”
Informace o fondech Evropské unie
‘Investment Development of Large Research Infrastructure BBMRI-CZ’, reg. No CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015959, within operational programme research, development and education.
Právní, ekonomické, finanční a technické informace Podmínky účasti
Seznam a stručný popis podmínek:
“The economic operator shall prove that fulfils the basic qualification requirements in relation to the Czech Republic pursuant to Section 74 (1) a) - e) of...”
Seznam a stručný popis podmínek
The economic operator shall prove that fulfils the basic qualification requirements in relation to the Czech Republic pursuant to Section 74 (1) a) - e) of the Act by submitting requirements pursuant to Section 75 (1) a) - f) of the Act.
Pursuant to Section 77 of the act the economic operator shall prove its professional qualification in relation to the Czech Republic by submitting a copy of an entry in the commercial register or other similar records provided that registration in such records is required pursuant to another legal regulation.
Zobrazit více Ekonomická a finanční situace
Seznam a stručný popis výběrových kritérií: Is not required.
Technická a odborná způsobilost
Seznam a stručný popis výběrových kritérií: Is not required.
Postup Typ postupu
Otevřený postup
Administrativní informace
Lhůta pro doručení nabídek nebo žádostí o účast: 2021-04-30
09:00 📅
Jazyky, ve kterých lze podávat nabídky nebo žádosti o účast: čeština 🗣️
Jazyky, ve kterých lze podávat nabídky nebo žádosti o účast: slovenština 🗣️
Jazyky, ve kterých lze podávat nabídky nebo žádosti o účast: angličtina 🗣️
Podmínky pro zahájení nabídkového řízení: 2021-04-30
09:00 📅
Podmínky pro otevírání nabídek (místo):
Podmínky pro otevírání nabídek (Informace o oprávněných osobách a postupu otevírání nabídek):
“Because tenders can only be submitted electronically via contracting authority's electronic tool E-ZAK on the public contracts address, opening of the...”
Podmínky pro otevírání nabídek (Informace o oprávněných osobách a postupu otevírání nabídek)
Because tenders can only be submitted electronically via contracting authority's electronic tool E-ZAK on the public contracts address, opening of the tenders submitted in paper form will not be happening.
Doplňující informace Informace o elektronických pracovních postupech
Elektronická fakturace bude akceptována
Tělo recenze
Název: Office for the protection of competition
Poštovní adresa: tř. Kpt. Jaroše 7
Poštovní město: Brno
Poštovní směrovací číslo: 604 55
Země: Česko 🇨🇿
Telefon: +420 542167111📞
Fax: +420 542167112 📠
ADRESA URL:🌏 Postup přezkoumání
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení:
“The condition for submitting a proposal to the Office is the submission of objections to the contracting authority, which must be delivered within 15 days...”
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení
The condition for submitting a proposal to the Office is the submission of objections to the contracting authority, which must be delivered within 15 days from the day when the complainant became aware of the alleged violation of the law by the contracting authority, but no later than the conclusion of the contract.
Objections to acts notified in documents which the contracting authority is obliged by law to publish or send to the complainant must be delivered to the contracting authority within 15 days of their publication or delivery to the complainant.
If a deadline for the submission of tenders is set in the procurement procedure, objections to the tender documentation must be delivered to the contracting authority no later than the end of this period.
The contracting authority is obliged to settle the objections within 15 days. The proposal must be delivered to the Office and the contracting authority within 10 days from the day on which the complainant received the decision by which the contracting authority rejected the objections or within 25 days from the dispatch of the objections, unless the contracting authority decided on the objections.
After the conclusion of a public contract, only a proposal to impose a ban on the performance of the contract may be submitted, even without prior submission of objections. The petitioner shall deliver the proposal for imposing a ban on performance of the contract to the Office and in the same copy to the contracting authority within 1 month from the day when the contracting authority published the contract notice in accordance with § 212 (2) of the Act stating the reason for the award of the public contract without publication of a notice of commencement of the procurement procedure, prior notice or invitation to tender in a simplified sub-threshold procedure, but no later than 6 months from the conclusion of this contract.
Within the deadline for delivery of the proposal, the proposer is obliged to deposit a deposit of 1 % of the tender price of the proposer for the entire period of performance of the public contract, but at least in the amount of CZK 50 000, at most in the amount of CZK 10 000 000. If the proposer cannot determine the total tender price, he is obliged to pay a deposit of CZK 100 000.
Zobrazit více Služba, u které lze získat informace o přezkumném řízení
Název: Office for the protection of competition
Poštovní adresa: tř. Kpt. Jaroše 7
Poštovní město: Brno
Poštovní směrovací číslo: 604 55
Země: Česko 🇨🇿
Telefon: +420 542167111📞
Fax: +420 542167112 📠
Zdroj: OJS 2021/S 058-146212 (2021-03-19)
Oznámení o zadání zakázky (2021-06-22) Objekt Rozsah veřejné zakázky
Název: IMTM - Cryogenic Storage System
Krátký popis:
“The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to...”
Krátký popis
The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to the delivery is also transport, installation, operator onsite training by a qualified worker and the provision of guarantee service. For detailed technical specifications please refer to Section 2.2 of the Procurement Documentation.
Zobrazit více
Celková hodnota veřejné zakázky (bez DPH): CZK 10 771 100 💰
Popis veřejné zakázky:
“The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to...”
Popis veřejné zakázky
The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system.
Subject of a public contract next to the delivery is also transport, installation, operator onsite training by a qualified worker and the provision of guarantee service. For detailed technical specifications please refer to Section 2.2 of the Procurement Documentation.
Zobrazit více Rozsah veřejné zakázky
Informace o fondech Evropské unie:
“‘Investment Development of Large Research Infrastructure BBMRI-CZ’, reg. No CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015959, within Operational Programme Research,...”
Informace o fondech Evropské unie
‘Investment Development of Large Research Infrastructure BBMRI-CZ’, reg. No CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015959, within Operational Programme Research, Development and Education.
Postup Administrativní informace
Předchozí publikace týkající se tohoto postupu: 2021/S 058-146212
Zadání zakázky
Datum uzavření smlouvy: 2021-06-18 📅
Informace o nabídkách
Počet obdržených nabídek: 1
Počet nabídek obdržených od malých a středních podniků: 1
Počet nabídek přijatých elektronickými prostředky: 1
Název a adresa dodavatele
Název: SIAD Czech spol. s r.o.
Národní registrační číslo: 48117153
Poštovní adresa: K Hájům 2606/2b
Poštovní město: Praha 5–Stodůlky
Poštovní směrovací číslo: 155 00
Země: Česko 🇨🇿
Telefon: +420 235097520📞
Region: Praha🏙️
Dodavatel je malý nebo střední podnik ✅ Informace o hodnotě zakázky/dílu (bez DPH)
Odhadovaná celková hodnota zakázky/dílu: CZK 10 850 000 💰
Celková hodnota zakázky/dílu: CZK 10 771 100 💰
Doplňující informace Postup přezkoumání
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení:
“The condition for submitting a proposal to the office is the submission of objections to the contracting authority, which must be delivered within 15 days...”
Přesné informace o lhůtě (lhůtách) pro přezkumné řízení
The condition for submitting a proposal to the office is the submission of objections to the contracting authority, which must be delivered within 15 days from the day when the complainant became aware of the alleged violation of the law by the Contracting Authority, but no later than the conclusion of the contract.
Objections to acts notified in documents which the contracting authority is obliged by law to publish or send to the complainant must be delivered to the contracting authority within 15 days of their publication or delivery to the complainant.
If a deadline for the submission of tenders is set in the procurement procedure, objections to the tender documentation must be delivered to the contracting authority no later than the end of this period.
The contracting authority is obliged to settle the objections within 15 days. the proposal must be delivered to the office and the contracting authority within 10 days from the day on which the complainant received the decision by which the contracting authority rejected the objections or within 25 days from the dispatch of the objections, unless the contracting authority decided on the objections.
After the conclusion of a public contract, only a proposal to impose a ban on the performance of the contract may be submitted, even without prior submission of objections. The petitioner shall deliver the proposal for imposing a ban on performance of the contract to the office and in the same copy to the contracting authority within 1 month from the day when the contracting authority published the contract notice in accordance with § 212 (2) of the Act stating the reason for the award of the public contract without publication of a notice of commencement of the procurement procedure, prior notice or invitation to tender in a simplified sub-threshold procedure, but no later than 6 months from the conclusion of this contract.
Within the deadline for delivery of the proposal, the proposer is obliged to deposit a deposit of 1 % of the tender price of the proposer for the entire period of performance of the public contract, but at least in the amount of CZK 50 000, at most in the amount of CZK 10 000 000. If the proposer cannot determine the total tender price, he is obliged to pay a deposit of CZK 100 000.
Zobrazit více
Zdroj: OJS 2021/S 121-319100 (2021-06-22)
Nové veřejné zakázky v souvisejících kategoriích 🆕