Veřejné zakázky: Palacký University Olomouc

4 archivované veřejné zakázky

Nedávné veřejné zakázky Palacký University Olomouc

2021-10-15   IMTM - Restore of robotic platform for HTS/HCA - Washing and pipetting equipment for microtiter plates II (Palacký University Olomouc)
The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the washing and pipetting equipment for microtiter plates. Subject of a public contract next to the delivery is also transport, installation, operator onsite training by a qualified worker and the provision of guarantee service. For detailed technical specifications please refer to Section 2.2 of procurement documentation. Zobrazit zadávací řízení »
Zmínění dodavatelé: BlueCatBio GmbH
2021-06-04   IMTM — Restore of Robotic Platform for HTS/HCA — Washing and Pipetting Equipment for Microtiter Plates (Palacký University Olomouc)
The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the washing and pipetting equipment for microtiter plates. Subject of a public contract next to the delivery is also transport, installation, operator onsite training by a qualified worker and the provision of guarantee service. Detailed technical specifications can be found in section 2.2 of the Documentation. Zobrazit zadávací řízení »
2021-03-23   Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Restore of Robotic Platform for HTS HCA (Palacký University Olomouc)
The subject of the performance in the public tender involves the supply of the following equipment for restoring of the robotic platform for high throughput screening/high content analysis. According to Section 35 of the Act, the public tender is divided into four (4) separate lots, while the supplier may submit its tender for any of the lots of the public contract, it may also submit its tender for all lots of the public contract: A. Washing and pipetting equipment for microtiter plates; B. Contactless … Zobrazit zadávací řízení »
Zmínění dodavatelé: RH-Bio, s.r.o. SCHOELLER INSTRUMENTS, s.r.o.
2021-03-19   IMTM — Cryogenic Storage System (Palacký University Olomouc)
The subject of the performance in the public contract involves the supply of the following cryogenic storage system. Subject of a public contract next to the delivery is also transport, installation, operator onsite training by a qualified worker and the provision of guarantee service. For detailed technical specifications please refer to Section 2.2 of the procurement documentation. Zobrazit zadávací řízení »
Zmínění dodavatelé: SIAD Czech spol. s r.o.